St Joseph Catholic School

Year 7 to 9 Secondary Setting

St Joseph's School Murray Bridge now  offers Years 7 - 9.

Students will benefit from studying in a senior setting at St Joseph's School with:

Specialist teachers and facilities providing a greater depth of learning and challenge

Greater flexibility in curriculum offerings and academic pathways

A wellbeing structure which supports the social and emotional growth of young adolescents.

The benefits of personalised Year 7 to 9 education for your child

Catholic Education South Australia has a dedicated focus on the needs of young people in Year 7-9. We see them as capable and competent learners.

Adolescence is a time of significant developmental change and students in Year 7 – 9 are ready for more independence and increased responsibility.  They require personalised schooling that positions them at the centre of their education, where personal and academic development is nurtured in ways that are relevant to their stages of development.

The benefits for students in Year 7 – 9 in a dedicated secondary setting includes:


Your child will develop a sense of belonging and self-worth. We will support them through:

Spiritual development – drawing on our Catholic identity, we will help your child to explore their spirituality and develop life-long skills such as empathy, responsibility and compassion.

Resilience – we will provide peer-mentoring and leadership opportunities.

Ownership – your child will be empowered and encouraged to be an active participant in their learning.


Your child will feel safe and connected.  We will support them with:

Smooth transition – strengthened transition from primary to secondary years.

Orientation – continuation of Catholic values including inclusivity, honesty, collaboration and respect.

Values – strong orientation programs through to Years 10-12.


Your child will be nurtured and supported to develop their individual capabilities. We will provide:

Specialist teachers – our quality teachers will provide personalised learning, working in partnership with students and families

Tailored curriculum – your child’s academic development will be nurtured through specialist curriculum design and assessment to prepare them for senior schooling and the SACE.

Dedicated facilities – our custom-designed learning spaces will encourage student engagement.


Year 7 - 9 Curriculum Guide

At St Joseph's School we understand that a quality education promotes a life-long journey of learning. It is a journey that pursues continuous improvement, it is founded in high expectations, inspires resilience, takes risks and fosters personal best achievement for all.
Life at St Joseph's School fosters the academic, spiritual, personal and social development for all students and promotes the traditions of the Catholic Church and the ethos of its patron, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
This guide provides students and parents with information about St Joseph's School Years 7-9 Secondary Curriculum. Further assistance is available from the Leader of Middle Years, teachers and staff.
Our curriculum will provide all students with exceptional opportunities to experience a wide variety of learning. We will ensure students' interests, educational backgrounds, future directions and capabilities support a co-constructed educational pathway. Positive parent partnership will continue to support each child reach their full potential.

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Explore The Curriculum Guide
The benefits of personalised Year 7 to 9 education for your child

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“We are excited for Alexis to continue her Catholic education at St Joseph’s School in 2022. The contemporary facilities will allow her to discover her gifts and talents and explore her future pathway. At St Joseph’s School we feel confident that Alexis will achieve great success”

John and Lisa Watkins


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Years 7 to 9 at St Joseph's School Murray Bridge

Will be part of a dedicated secondary setting with a focus on:



  • Key teachers for each core subject will provide consistency and a deeper connection between students, teachers and parents.
  • Teachers will have an intimate understanding of your child's learning needs as they connect with regularly.
  • Students will have access to a broad range of subjects within the Australian Curriculum, utilising specialist teachers and facilities, exposing students to possibilities and educational pathways and preparing them for entering SACE at senior levels.
  • Our use of learning spaces, program design and instructional delivery will be founded in collaborative practices, research and understanding of the young adolescent learner's brain.
  • We will offer a curriculum in which all students can access learning and experience growth, no matter where their current abilities lie.





At St Joseph's School we know the importance of a good transition program.  The secondary transition program will have multiple opportunities for parents and students to ask questions and establish connections with key staff and student leaders. Your child will experience a strong transition and orientation program designed specifically to the needs of young adolescents in the move from primary to secondary schooling, grounded in key principles of providing students with an experience in which they are safe, connected, informed and excited.


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“Learning in Year 7-9 provides strong spiritual, learning and wellbeing support and a smooth transition to senior secondary years” 

Annette Lamont
Leader Of Middle Years