St Joseph Catholic School

Learning and Well-being

As a Catholic school, our concern for our students always goes beyond just their academic development...

Our vision articulates a holistic and integrated approach to educating the whole person in the vision of Mary MacKillop. This requires an education in Faith. Central to all of our learning are the Gospel values that permeate all areas of the curriculum in both explicit and implicit teaching. The integration of these values across the curriculum provides students with an excellent education for life.

We understand that children need to feel safe, happy and motivated at school to maximise their learning. Fostering a school climate where each child is respected, included and takes responsibility for their own behaviour and learning is at the heart of who we are as a Catholic school.

We value the right of each person to respect, show courtesy and recognise individual differences. We work actively to ensure that all adults and children are given every opportunity to achieve, to recognise their own worth and to play an important part in our community.

We expect and work towards high achievement from all students. Each child’s contribution to the classroom and school is welcomed and valued. We make sure that they have the opportunity to learn to the best of their ability and to raise their individual academic achievement.

Our Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care

Children need to feel safe, secure, happy and motivated at school to maximise their learning and achieve their full potential. Fostering a school climate where each child is acknowledged, respected, included and takes responsibility for their own learning and behaviour is at the heart of who we are as a Catholic School.

Our wellbeing Program supports your child by developing their wellbeing at an academic, social, emotional, personal and spiritual level both at the School and as members of the wider community.

Our Pastoral Care reflects our core values of:

  • Community
  • Co-operation
  • Respect
  • Inclusion
  • Compassion
  • Kindness

The School Leadership Team (Principal, Deputy Principal, APRIM Inclusive Education Co-ordinator) take oversight of Student Wellbeing.






